Destiny - Abyss

I worked as the light lead on Abyss. This was another super fun Destiny project. We were lucky enough to get to be involved with 5 of these awesome spots! I started as just a lighter on these things, but as team members got shifted around, I ended up being the lead lighter / supervisor. I think this was our quickest turnaround. I remember we were in full production on a different spot, and we had to about face big time and start and finish this one very quickly. I'm very happy with how it turned out!

I was specifically responsible for developing shaders and textures for the environments, mainly the caves and underground stuff. But I worked a lot on tweaked and adjusting the moon surface and initial structural elements as well. I also did all the lighting as we descend the depths of the moon, and all the lighting for the areas underneath the surface. It was awesome, I want more of these projects!